Would you like to join our Scrutiny Panel?

We need more residents to help ensure we are doing a good job. It’s a great way for us to receive constructive feedback, comments and suggestions from the people receiving the services we offer.

The Residents' Scrutiny Panel has been established to provide input to both Arhag's Senior Management Team and the Arhag Board. We also offer opportunities for residents to be involved in activities designed to gather opinions or views. These include the use of surveys, conferences, open days, focus groups and other ‘market-testing’ methods.

The Resident's Scrutiny Panel meet regularly to take a good look at our services before telling us what they think, and how we could work better. The Panel has a direct link to the Arhag Board, so all the recommendations go straight to the top. The Panel scrutinise important issues such as complaints, rent arrears, budgets and the impact of the benefit changes.


RSP Chair Syeda Miah

Syeda is an Arhag resident and Chair of our Residents Scrutiny Panel.

Our residents play an important role informing and scrutinising the services Arhag provide and as you can see from the activity programme we will be engaging in a wide range of activities across 2022/23.
